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There were 42 bell rings heard over the course of the film. Therefore, 42 angels received their wings.

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Q: How many angles got there wings in a wonderful life?
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Mosquito's only have one pair of wings. I have done lots of wonderful researches on mosquito's life and what they are like. They are wonderful creatures that the one and only God made.

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You can have one child.

At the end of the movie It's a Wonderful Life what is the quote about George having many friends?

The quote is actually a note from Clarence Odbody written inside the cover of Tom Sawyer and reads:Dear George,Remember no man is a failure who has friends.Thanks for the wings! Love Clarence.

What do tribal wings in a tattoo mean?

Wings are typically symbolise freedom. This can be freedom from many things. Independence from the norm, from a struggle in life that they've risen above, or they may just have a thing for wings.

Why people used angles in their daily life?

There are many different ways that angles are used by people in their daily life. The uses include building things, design, art, telling time, and exercising.

How many right angles are they in Canada?

42, the answer to all questions about Life, The Universe and Everything...

What is your most wonderful experience?

It differs with what you have experienced in life. It's an opinion question, so many people can answer.

How many angles and how many right angles in a square?

4 right angles, no other angles.

How many chicken wings in a case?

about how many chicken wings come in a case of wings that is 40lbs

How many angles in A?

there are no angles