Mastodon averages between 32 and 36 thousand copies per album. Additional revenue has been collected for their use of music in Video Games and advertisement. Mastodon has been ranked as high as number 6 by Rolling Stone.
The Hunter - Mastodon album - was created on 2011-09-27.
Trivium has sold 4 million total album sales worldwide
about 500
Remission - Mastodon album - was created on 2002-05-28.
The Hunter - Mastodon album - was created on 2011-09-27.
Trivium has sold 4 million total album sales worldwide
about 500
What are the total world wide album sales of The Games LAX CD?
In 2011, their album sales were reportedly around 80 million.
1.1 mill
140 million total
80 million