Air miles from Salt Lake City, Utah, to Houston, Texas, total 1,199 miles. That is 1,930 kilometers or 1,042 nautical miles.
The shortest flight duration from Houston, Texas to Salt Lake City would be around 3 hours.
It is 229 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 229 miles according to Google Maps.
It iis 54.31 miles according to MapQuest.
It's about 210 miles from New Orleans to Lake Charles
By car, Salt Lake City, Utah, is about 1100 miles from Abilene, Texas.
It is 143.04 miles according to MapQuest.
1,014 miles
Salt Lake City is one such.
It is 1,545.24 miles according to MapQuest.
Depending on the route you take, 55.4 miles (about 1 hr and 5 min).
Lake Somerville, Lake Houston, and there is a large lake near Austin.