like 9999999999999999999999999999999999.00 billion acres or something.
Illinois has 35,532,115.2 acres of land. An additional 1,532,556.8 acres is water.
Illinois' area is 57,900 square miles or 37,055,848.2 acres.
4.125 acres.
Approximately 26.8 million acres.
Jersey County, IL's area is 241,170 acres.
Brookfield Zoo in Illinois spans approximately 216 acres.
Tazewell County, Illinois covers approximately 650 square miles, which is equivalent to around 416,000 acres.
many places
Many farmers grow corn in Illinois. The south central region below Chicago is where the most corn is grown in Illinois.
57,918 square miles in Illinois. 640 acres per square mile. 37,067,520 acres total.
Illinois comprises 35,573,491.2 acres of land area.
493 x 0.3=147.9 acres.