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According to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) - "As has been true in previous Congresses, most Members of the 110th Congress hold university degrees. CRS research indicates 401 Members of the House and 97 Senators hold bachelor's degrees; 123 Members of the House and 19 Senators have master's

degrees; 179 Members of the House and 57 Senators hold law degrees; 22 Members of the House have doctoral (Ph.D) degrees; and 13 Members of the House and four Senators hold medical degrees.

In addition, there are four graduates of the U.S. Military Academy, three in the House and one in the Senate; two Senators are graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy; and one Representative (a woman) is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy. Three

Representatives and three Senators were Rhodes Scholars, three Representatives were Fulbright Scholars, and one was a Marshall Scholar."

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Q: How many U.S. Senators have a masters degree?
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