I've checked and double-checked and found an instance of all 151 original Pokemon within the book's eight scenes. Unless I imagined one, that question seems to have been an elaborate troll.
you need to find 210 Pokemon to complete the pokedex
u can find them wild
I know you can get Drowzee just below Goldenrod City, before the Day Care. But there aren't that many psychic Pokemon to find. I know what you mean!!
You can find cursed Arceus in map 16...And im map 16 you can find many cursed pokemon if you defeat all gym leaders.
The amount of times you need to headbutt a tree to find a Pokemon can vary. Sometimes, it may only take one try to find a Pokemon. Other trees may never hold Pokemon for you.
just battle and capture as many different types of wild Pokemon as you can, for me i had to battle a certain trainer because my pokedex was missing one so search on the enternet to find a certain Pokemon you might be missing
lets just say they worship it...
you need to find 210 Pokemon to complete the pokedex
That will depend on how many sides the polygon has.
I have unlocked many madden cards, but I am still missing teams. Where can I find which card is holding the missing teams?
You can find many pokemon. You can find baltoy which evolves into claydol(very good pokemon) also you may find sandshrew and cacnea which is also a good pokemon when it evolves into cacturn
Lets answer How many times does 256 go into 1000. Lets find out the conversion between 256 and 1000. Lets divide 1000 by 256 . The answer is 3.906 .3.906 times into 256 is 1000.
with luck (lots) you can find every Pokemon shinyy
You can find out how many times you have beaten the Elite Four in Pokemon Diamond by checking your PC in the game.
you have to see 150 Pokemon then talk to professor oak..
Many ways: footprint ribbon, lady in Pokemon fan club (hearthome city), or the poketch app that lets you grab the Pokemon in your party (hearts will appear if it likes), or the man in celestc town Pokemon center (he will give you a great ball if your Pokemon likes you).
Add all the numbers and divide it by however many numbers you added, then that's how you get the missing number to help you complete the mean.