According to the Native Languages of the Americas website, there are more than 1,000 Native American Tribes in the Western Hemisphere.
There are 562 federally recognized tribal governments in the United States.
· Indian Tribal Histories Abenaki to Awatobi
· Indian Tribal Histories Bannock to Brotherton
· Indian Tribal Histories Caddo to Cupeno
· Indian Tribal Histories Dakota to Dwamish
· Indian Tribal Histories Eno to Eyeish
· Indian Tribal Histories Fernandeno to Freshwater
· Indian Tribal Histories Gabrielino to Guasas
· Indian Tribal Histories Haida to Huron
· Indian Tribal Histories Ibitoupa to Isleta del Sur
· Indian Tribal Histories Jeags to Juaneno
· Indian Tribal Histories Kadohadacho to Kwalhioqua
· Indian Tribal Histories Lakniut to Lutuamian
· Indian Tribal Histories Macapiras to Munsee
· Indian Tribal Histories Nabedache to Ntlakyapamuk
· Indian Tribal Histories Ocale to Ozette
· Indian Tribal Histories Paiute to Puntatsh
· Indian Tribal Histories Quahatika to Quinipissa
· Indian Tribal Histories Saconnet to Swinomish
· Indian Tribal Histories Tacatacuru to Tyigh
· Indian Tribal Histories Waccamaw to Wynoochee
· Indian Tribal Histories Yahi to Yustaga
· Indian Tribal Histories Zuni
In the Old West there were dozens of tribes of Native Americans. However, the main ones were the Shoshone, the Lakota (Sioux), Cheyenne, the Blackfeet, and the Nez Perce.
He didn’t care about the tribes. His philosophy was the only good Indian was a dead one.
Indian Tribes
examples of how native americans adapted o their environment
to move them to specific lands
The US government wanted to move the Indian tribes away from the east because it wanted to displace them.
their are 45 in the state of North carolina today
6 major tribes
There are many Indian tribes alive today
diseases and genocide
There were many Native American Tribes in the land that became Massachusetts. They included:AgawamNipmuckWampanoagMassachusettNarragansettNashawayNaumkeagNausetPaometPatuxetPennacookPocomtucPomkapoagSucconet
The Huron and Alagonquin
They were ancestors of many Indian tribes,so it was probobly similar to their language.
about 1/3 of tribes