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Out of the 1,000,000 strong army that fought on the belligerents side in the Crimean war there were a total of 250,000 troops that fought throughout the war with just over 21,000 killed either as a result of fighting or disease.

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Q: How many British soldiers fought in the Crimean War?
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How many soldiers fought in the crimean war?

over 100500

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She never fought in a war. However, she did participate in the Crimean War, where she greatly improved the quality of British hospitals and saved many lives.

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Surprisingly few, compared with the other belligerents. 2,755 killed in action; 2,019 died of wounds; 16,323 died of disease

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There were approximately 25,000 American soldiers that died in the American Revolution. The British lost around 20,000 soldiers during the war.