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Q: How many 1968 ford falcons futura sports coupe exist today?
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Sports Marketing is used to sell products that have nothing or little to do with sports, by using athletes

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Probably not, because professional sports didn't exist at the time.

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Because people have fun with it

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What do you think? Of course they don't. Vampires don't exist.

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No, there is no such thing as a EJ1 civic hatchback. EJ = Civic coupe. Therefore, EG= Civic hatchback.

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YEs baseball does exist it is a very popular sports especially in the united states but is played all around the globe.

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Of course not, you silly person. Tallahassee doesn't exist.

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Things such as the Super Bowl wouldn't exist

Does FIFA 11 exist?

Yes it is a football computer game made by EA sports.