You need 3 pieces of paper in your crafting table in a straight line like this P P P
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I didn't make Minecraft.
You can't write on paper on Minecraft. However, you can write in books by adding an ink sac and a feather to them.
You have to have a mod (modification) to make a cannon. It is not in vanilla minecraft.
how to make a fire works in minecraft 1.5.2
you can't make a pencil in minecraft, but there mite be a mod for it.
The crafting recipe for books in minecraft was first changed in version 1.3.1. It is now crafted with 3 Paper; 1 Leather.
You can make paper into books which can be made into bookshelfs, Enchanting tables ect ect In the 1.3 version coming out at the start of august you can write in books and sign them to have your own virtual model.
You use it to dye wool, and also combine it with Bone Meal to make paler dyes. In 1.3, you will be able to make writable books using it.
I didn't make Minecraft.
As of right now, they are only used for bookshelves.
There are no keys in minecraft!
You can't write on paper on Minecraft. However, you can write in books by adding an ink sac and a feather to them.
Read books, play Minecraft, play Roblox, play Fortnite, and do other stuff.
You have to have a mod (modification) to make a cannon. It is not in vanilla minecraft.
how to make a fire works in minecraft 1.5.2
you can't make a pencil in minecraft, but there mite be a mod for it.
There is no such thing as a suppressor in Minecraft.