

How made poop?

Updated: 10/24/2023
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11y ago

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Poop is made by your digestive system. When you first take a bite of food, the process starts. The saliva in your mouth starts to break down the food. You then swallow the food sending it down your esophagus to your stomach. In your stomach, it meets up with hydrochloric acid that breaks it down into a pulp-like substance. Your stomach then contracts and sends it into your small intestines, where vitamins and nutrients are extracted. It continues down the intestines into the large intestines. The large intestines continue to pull liquid out of the feces. Once the feces is through the large intestines, it waits at the bottom, in your rectum, until you make a bowel movement... Or poop.

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Ayden Lebsack

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2y ago
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10mo ago

Poop is the natural byproduct of the digestive system. When food is consumed and digested, the waste material is eliminated from the body through the rectum. The process involves the breaking down of food in the stomach and absorbing nutrients in the small intestine, followed by the removal of water and formation of feces in the large intestine.

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