It will take one month or if you read the book day and day out it will take one month in a half .
a very intelligent person.
It takes about a second per word.
A dictionary is meant to be used to look up the meaning and spelling of a specific word. It would be too tedious to read from cover to cover, as one would read a novel.
cause he has nothin to do
The average person reads a newspaper for about 25 to 30 minutes.
yes yes it is
The average person may take about 8-10 hours to read "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer, depending on their reading speed and frequency of breaks. The book has around 563 pages in the standard edition.
Read a dictionary, or sound words out... sounding it out doesn't always work so if you read a dictionary... you can learn the words that do not work
That all depends on the person and the size of the training manual. Some people read very fast where some are a bit slower and it takes longer to read a thick manual than a thin one.
long live dome
You can learn how to read these online or in a Chinese to English dictionary. The dictionary is mostly for word but it has numbers in the end or beginning depending on who made it.
A person can read many things about factoring account receivables. One can read up on it at the Wells Fargo website, at Investopedia, RivieraFinance, the business dictionary, and more.