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On circe's island, odysseus stayed for 1 year. On calyspo's island, he stayed for 7 years.

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Q: How long was Odysseus and his men on Circe's island?
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What is unusual about the animals in circes hall?

The animals in Circe's hall are Odysseus's men.

What was circes the goddess of?

Circe wasn't a goddess she was a sorceress who lived on the island Aeaea and turned any men who came to her island into pigs until Odysseus stopped her with the help of the god Hermes.

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Eurylochus was defiant. He attempted to stop Odysseus men from following him to Circes house but Odysseus men decided to follow him and Eurylochus came with because Odysseus yelled at him.

Who asks Odysseus to leave circe?

Odysseus' crew men ask Odysseus to leave Circe's island after a year on her island.

What happened to Odysseus' men on the island of Circle?

It is not the island of circle, but rather the island of Circe. On this island, the witch Circe turns Odysseus's men into pigs. After being warned of his mens fate, the god Hermes gives Odysseus a herb that will protect him from sharing the same fate. The only way that Circe will change his men back, is if Odysseus sleeps with her, so he does, and his men are returned to their human form.

What were Odysseus' men forbidden from in Helios'?

Odysseus' men were forbidden to slay and or eat the cattle of Helios' island.

How many men did Odysseus lose on the island of the lotus eaters?

Odysseus lost no men on the island of the lotus eaters. He was able to retrieve the 3 men that had succumbed to the lotus' temptation.

How do odesseus and his men differ in what they wish to do?

Odysseus wished to avoid the island of Helios altogether. Unfortunately his men were tired and hungry and didn't want to keep going on. So Odysseus finally consented to let them land on the island as long as they made and oath not touch the cattle that was on the island. They stayed on the island for many months and one day while Odysseus was off praying the men decided to disobey and slaughter some of the steer. Because of this they are killed and Odysseus barely escapes with his life.

Why can't Odysseus and his men not leave Circe island?

She turned his men into pigs...

On the island of thrinacia what crime do Odysseus men commit while Odysseus is praying?

Odysseus's men commit the crime of killing Helios's cattle on the island of Thrínacia while Odysseus is praying. This act angers the sun god Helios and leads to dire consequences for the men and their journey back home.

What atrocious thing does the cyclops do that horrifies Odysseus and his men?

That's easy, he eats Odysseus' men and they barely escape the island with their lives.

How come Odysseus stays with circe for so long?

Circe is a sorceress, she enchants Odysseus and turns men into pigs, although she doesn't do this to Odysseus (lucky man) she does it to his remaining soldiers. So it is the enchantment that keeps him on the island,