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The length of time on a medication/drug which may cause tolerance and dependence is relative to the dose and the regularity with which the drug is taken.

For instance, a patient might be prescribed clonazepam 0.5 mg daily when anxious and end up using it two or three times per week. On this basis, a lifetime of use would not be too long.

However, if clonazepam is used at the level of 2 mg three times per day, every day, then tolerance and dependence could occur after just a few weeks.

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15y ago

Disclaimer: Always follow your Doctors directions and take the proper dosage of your Prescription Medication

Clonazepam is most commonly known as Klonopin in the U.S.

Buprenorphine is most commonly known as Suboxone (Buprenorphine/Naloxone) or less commonly known as Subutex (contains no naloxone, for pregnant women or patients extremely allergic to Naloxone) Buprenorphine is being marketed overseas for the treatment of chronic pain, but its main use is for the treatment of opioid addiction in the United States.

Depending on your tolerance, you don't necessarily have to wait. I took 2mg Clonazepam (Klonopin) at 10pm tonight, at 6pm I took 8mg Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Suboxone). I have been taking Suboxone for 13 months so I am tolerant and used to the effects the drug produces. I have also been on a dose of 3mg Alprazolam (Xanax) daily but recently shifted to a 2mg dose of Clonazepam due to the long half life. I discontinued use of the Xanax when I started the Clonazepam, I've noticed nothing but good results.

WARNING: Klonopin mixed with Suboxone creates an extreme high followed by a crash for a person with low or no tolerance to opiates and/or benzodiazepines. Deaths have occurred when Benzodiazepines and Buprenorphine are combined at high doses, mainly due to respiratory failure as the Central Nervous System is overloaded with sedatives. The same applies with the combination of Methadone and Benzodiazepines

The half life of the Clonazepam is 18 - 50 hours

The half life of the Buprenorphine is 24 - 36 hours

If you are tolerant to both meds it should do what the doctor prescribed it to do. In my case to get rid of anxiety and insomnia. Clonazepam is a good choice in conjunction with Buprenorphine due to the high half life of both drugs. Meaning you will feel the effects for up to 2 days. Even if tolerant, the effects generally last 2 days. Tolerance builds quickly and you don't feel the initial "high" for more than the first couple days. At this point you can take advantage of the beneficial side of both medications.

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15y ago

My doctor has me on Clonazepam 0.5 mg three times a day and Adderall XR 20 mg once in the morning. He said they are safe to take together or right after the other. Hope this helps.

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9y ago

Ask your doctor. We know nothing of your medical history or condition.

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Q: How long do you wait to take clonazepam after Adderall?
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