I rode this train about 27 years ago. I believe it was about 11 1/2 hrs. long ride. If using Amtrak, there is a bus/train combo, though the bus portion is negligible as it is extremely short, about 15 mins. The train ride is listed as 9 hours 7 minutes on the Amtrak schedule, which would make the total trip around 9 hours, 30 minutes. You can see the link before for more details.
Unfortunately, there is not train service between New Orleans and Chattanooga. If you can get down to Atlanta, you can take the Crescent between the two cities. The train leaves Atlanta at 8:38 am and arrives at New Orleans at 7:33 pm. The return train leaves at 7:10 am and arrives in Atlanta 7:53 pm. Thus it takes about 12 hours.
it knoxville to memphis tennessee
Between 7 and 8 hours.
About an hour
A flight from Chattanooga, Tennessee to Gulfport, Mississippi will take an estimated 5 hours and 24 minutes flying with Delta.
it will take about 7 hours depending on your speed
about 15 years
About 9 hours, (635 mi) via I-81 South.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 40 hours.
First class delivery takes 3 - 5 days.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 10 hours and 11 minutes.
The flight distance from Topeka, Kansas to Chattanooga, Tennessee is 638.5 miles and a nonstop flight takes 1 hour 10 minutes. The driving distance is 745.9 miles. The drive takes about 11 hours 30 minute when you take I-24 E and I-70 E.
First class mail delivery takes 3 to 5 day.