The average direct flight time is 8 and a half hours, depending on where in Saudi Arabia you go to.
i am asking saudi to italy hours flight
12 Hrs
6 to 7 hours
A typical flight between Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Paris, France would have a flying time of about 5 hours, 50 minutes.
A typical flight between Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Accra, Ghana would have a flying time of about 6 hours, 46 minutes.
How ever long you make it baby ;)
The average flight time is 10 hours, 59 minutes.
Average flight time is 7.5 hrs
A flight from Havana, Cuba to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia would take about 16 hours to complete. There is approximately 7,705 miles between the two locations.
Approximate flight duration time from Riyadh to Hong Kong is 8 hrs, 50 mins
A flight from Morroco to Michigan takes 8 hours and 30 minutes.