Eight thousand five hundred eighty-six (8,586) is the air mileage from Houston, Texas, to Sydney, Australia. That equals 13,816 kilometers or 7,460 nautical miles.
21 hours
The distance between the above two places is 10386 miles. This is an approximate direct distance. Also this distance might change if a different flight route is chosen.
16 hours 42 minutes
A flight from Berlin, Germany --> Houston, Texas would take about 11 hours.
The average flight time is 17 hours, 10 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
There is 10, 591 miles between Houston, Texas and Perth, Australia. The flight would take about 22 hours when flying on a commercial airline.
Air distance from Austin, Texas to Sydney, Australia is 8,468 miles. That is 13,629 kilometers. It is 7,359 nautical miles.
Sydney (SYD) to London (LON)Shortest Flight Duration 22 hours 40 mins
The shortest flight duration from Houston, Texas to Salt Lake City would be around 3 hours.
A flight from Houston, Texas to Trinidad, Colorado takes about 2 hours. The distance from Houston, Texas to Trinidad, Colorado is 733 miles or 1,180 kilometers.
The flight from Djibouti, Africa to Houston, Texas is 15 hours and 3 minutes long.