Assuming you mean Moscow, Russia, the flight time is about 3 hours.
A flight from Jerusalem, Israel to Moscow, Russia is about 2.5 hours.
The flight distance from Atlanta, GA to Moscow, Russia is 5,389 miles / 8,672 km.
The average flight time from Edinburgh to Auckland is 10 mins
The flight distance from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to Moscow, Russia is about 5,230 miles.
The flight time from Moscow, Russia to Minneapolis, Minnesota is about 9 hours, 51 minutes.
The average flight time from Moscow, Russia to Dubrovnik, Croatia is 2 hours, 31 minutes.
A typical flight between Houston, TX and Moscow, Russia would have a flying time of about 11 hours, 51 minutes.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Moscow, Russia would have a flying time of about 11 hours, 32 minutes.
The flight distance from Tokyo, Japan to Moscow, Russia is: 4,661 miles / 7,501 km
The flight time from Dubai, United Arab Emirates to Moscow, Russia is: 5 hours, 4 minutes
The flight distance from Juneau, Alaska to Moscow, Russia is 4,560 miles.