Driving distance between Dallas, TX and Playa del Carmen, Mexico is approximately of 3135 kilometers (1948 miles). The driving time would be approximately 35 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions.
It takes you 45 min driving and are 60 km...
There are 3,927 kilometers (2,441 miles) between Birmingham, AL and Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Trip time is 43 hours, non-stop.
a long time...
Approximately 4 and a half hours.
About 20 minutes to half an hour. Not too long at all and worth it....
No, you can't. There is a ferry from Cozumel to Playa del Carmen, on the Mexican mainland. It takes about 30-45 minutes. Then you have to take a bus or another vehicle from Playa del Carmen to Cancun, 68 Kilometers (42 miles) to the north, taking another 45-50 minutes.
a long time
It would take 25.5 hours to drive from Dallas to San Jose.
Yes you could, but it is a very lengthy trip. First you need to take a ferry in Cozumel (which is an island) into Playa del Carmen, on the eastern coast of the Yucatan peninsula. Then you have to drive over 2,455 kilometers (1,526 miles) during approximately 27 hours, non-stop.
20 to 21 hours
17 hours