It's 10 months/40 weeks all in all. If the baby's born before 38 weeks, it's premature and it might need medical care to survive.
An average pregnancy is about 40 weeks. At 37 weeks you are considered "full term." A full term pregnancy is 37-42 weeks, after 42 weeks they would induce labor.
42 weeks is the absolute latest they would let you go - the placenta begins to rapidly deteriorate after 41 weeks and that puts baby at huge risk. Furthermore, baby grows at an extremely fast rate during the last few weeks of pregnancy and another risk of going too far past 40 weeks is that baby will be too big and that can serioulsy complicate a vaginal delivery - very dangerous for mom and baby.
Approximately 40 weeks. Some go into labor early and some go later. My daughter came 2 weeks late!
The gestation period of a human, from time of conception to birth is approximately 9 months (266 days/38 Weeks). 9.5months is calculated from the first day of the lastmenstrual period (280 days/40 Weeks).
most full-term babies will come between 37-42 weeks
Correction: A pregnancy is considered to be "full-term" between 37 and 42 weeks.....therefore by definition, ALL full-term babies will come in that time frame. I think that's what that was meant to say. 40 weeks is still considered the standard length of a pregnancy and "due dates" are based on that number. However, newer studies have indictaed that the true AVERAGE gestation for a healthy pregnancy with spontaneous in a nulliparous (first-time) mother is approximately 41 weeks and 3 days, with multiparous (with previous children) mother giving birth spontaneously, on average, at 41 weeks and 1 day. But in America in particular, most labors are induced before reaching that gestation without medical cause, so they never reach the natural gestational "average".
Once a lady gets pregnant, it takes 9 months before the child comes into this world.
Forty (40) weeks is average. It is not uncommon for a fetus to be plenty developed by 38 weeks, or for a fetus to need up to 42 weeks to finish development.
The "normal" range is 38-42 weeks. The average is 40 weeks.
Many babies are born before the 38th week, and there no true medical emergencies. Others born before the 38th week have not completed development, particularly of the lungs.
The range is 37 to 42 weeks (259 to 294 days) depending on the person. The average is 40 weeks, anything less than 37 weeks is considered pre-term, which is dangerous due to underdevelopment. Over 42 weeks is also dangerous due to septic poisoning.
Months vs. Weeks
As any woman who has had a child (or has basic math and logic skills) can tell you, 40 weeks are 10 four week months, not 9! Depending on the time of year, they are usually 9 calendar months due to the extra days sprinkled in here and there in the Gregorian calendar, but weeks are a much simpler and more accurate way to determine where you are in your pregnancy and your due date.
Generally 36-38 weeks, but of course there is always pre-term labor and those who go past their due date.
Thirty-six weeks.
the woman can be pregnant for 7to9 monts and it's really dangerous to born the baby on the 8th month
Approximately forty weeks (280 days).--This is incorrect.
Doctors count forty weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. If you check actual medical books the answer is 38 weeks.
The human gestation period--the period of time between conception and labor--is approximately forty weeks (280 days), measured from the first day of the mother's last menstrual period. A gestation period of thirty-eight weeks (266 days) is calculated for women who are pregnant by a procedure such as in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination that allows them to know their exact date of conception. The gestational period is divided into three major periods called trimesters. The first trimester last from weeks one through twelve, the second from weeks thirteen through twenty-seven, and the third from weeks twenty-eight to forty. The gestational age of a fetus or newborn infant corresponds to how far along it is in the gestation period, usually measured in weeks and days from the first day of the mother's last menstrual period. The gestation period may also be calculated by an ultrasound examination, which is most reliable for this purpose between the eighth and eighteenth weeks of pregnancy. This is the method used by most doctors to determine a woman's due date and the gestational age of the fetus. Due dates for women who conceive naturally are only approximations and are precisely accurate for only one pregnancy out of twenty. Even estimations based on an ultrasound examination can be off by ten to fourteen days. Babies delivered anywhere from three weeks early to two weeks late are considered normal full-term babies.
Knowledge of the gestational age is important in assessing whether or not a pregnancy is progressing normally and also in evaluating the health status of a newborn. Standard criteria for size, growth, and maturation are available for all infants, whether they are delivered prematurely, at term, or later than term, to determine whether their physical condition is appropriate for their gestational age (AGA). For a full-term infant, the length appropriate for gestational age is forty-eight to fifty-three centimeters and the weight is between 2700 and 4000 grams. Gestational age is also used as a baseline to identify babies who are at risk because of their small size--small for gestational age (SGA) or small for date (SFD). No matter how early or late they are delivered, infants are considered small for their gestational age (SGA) if their size and weight at birth are below the tenth percentile of the appropriate range. Such infants are at increased risk for numerous health problems, including short stature, certain infections, respiratory problems, and sudden infant death syndrome .
284 days or roughly 40 weeks.
The normal period is 9 months but it case of complications it could be less than or more than nine, say, 7 or 10.
The gestation period of a human, from time of conception to birth is approximately 9 months (266 days/38 Weeks). 9.5 months is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period (280 days/40 Weeks). Full-term babies will come between 37-42 weeks.
A pregnancy is considered to be "full-term" between 37 and 42 weeks. 40 weeks is still considered the standard length of a pregnancy and "due dates" are based on that number. However, newer studies have indicated that the true AVERAGE gestation for a healthy pregnancy with spontaneous in a nulliparous (first-time) mother is approximately 41 weeks and 3 days, with multiparous (with previous children) mother giving birth spontaneously, on average, at 41 weeks and 1 day. But in America in particular, most labors are induced before reaching that gestation without medical cause, so they never reach the natural gestational "average".
Forty (40) weeks is average. It is not uncommon for a fetus to be plenty developed by 38 weeks, or for a fetus to need up to 42 weeks to finish development.
Many babies are born before the 38th week, and there no true medical emergencies. Others born before the 38th week have not completed development, particularly of the lungs.
The range is 37 to 42 weeks (259 to 294 days) depending on the person. The average is 40 weeks, anything less than 37 weeks is considered preterm, which is dangerous due to underdevelopment. Over 42 weeks is also dangerous due to septic poisoning.
Months vs. Weeks
Human gestation period is typically 9-10 months. That is around 38 to 42 weeks. Anything longer is quite rare. As any woman who has had a child (or has basic math and logic skills) can tell you, 40 weeks are 10 four week months, not 9! Depending on the time of year, they are usually 9 calendar months due to the extra days sprinkled in here and there in the Gregorian calendar, but weeks are a much simpler and more accurate way to determine where you are in your pregnancy and your due date. Also, keep in mind that if you count based on the first period you think you missed, you could be off a couple of weeks.
A human's gestation period is 37 weeks to 42 weeks long.
The human gestation period lasts about 37 to 42 weeks. The average length is 40 weeks, but 37 weeks is considered full-term.
9 months usually.
Full term pregnancy lasts for about 280 days
you are pregnant for 10 months if u add it up 42 weeks is two months
Full term pregnancy is nine months
9 months 40 weeks
A pregnancy usually lasts for 9 months
Approximately 14 days after intercourse, pregnancy can be detected.
Men usually don't get pregnancy symptoms.
The pregnancy lasts for 60 days
About a week after the egg has been fertilized
A wolf pregnancy :) Lol What do you mean? How long? How Easy? What is it that you mean exactly? From Rosiiekaii
2 weeks
about a long long longggggggggggggggggggggg time
9 months