The flight time is 5 hours.
The flight time is min. 20 hours.
A direct flight from Seoul to Bali would take 7 hours.
The flight time from Hong Kong to Seoul, South Korea is: 3 hours, 6 minutes
The flight times varies according to the speed of the flight. If the flight is flying at a faster speed then the times may change. We are providing you with standard flight timings. The flight time for the above mentioned trip is.2hours14 mins
Approximate flight duration time from Tokyo to Amsterdam is:12 hrs
The time in Seoul and the time in Tokyo have been the same since 9th October 1988.
The flight time is 5 hours, 50 minutes.
The flight time from Tokyo, Japan to Narita, Japan is:34 minutes
The flight time from Tokyo, Japan to Philippines is: 4 hours, 20 minutes
it takes 15 hours