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Q: How long is basic training for army women?
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How long is army basic training in 2010?

Ten weeks.

How long does Army basic training take?

The army basic training program takes nine weeks to complete. It is required to become a US soldier.

How long do you go to traning camp for the army?

The Navy and Army's basic training is 8 weeks long. Air force is 6 weeks, and Marine Corps is 13 weeks.

How long does the discharge process take from army basic training?

vaginal fluid

How long was army basic training in 1947 to 1950?

About 8 weeks

Do you need basic training to reenlist in army?

It depends on how long you have been out of the Army and what branch you are coming from, typically your will attend the Army's Warrior Transition Unit.

Do you need do army trianing to join the raf?

Every single person in the British Armed Forces does basic training. Learning how to be a solider. It is not however as long or strenuous as infantry training in the army. The RAF basic training for an airman lasts 9 weeks and is conducted at RAF Halton.

How long is Military Police training?

Army Military Police School is 2 months. Basic Training and MP School is a combined 20 weeks long called OSUT, which is One Station Unit Training

How long does training take in the army?

8 weeks of basic training (BCT), and 3 weeks to 2 years of advanced individual training (AIT, depending on the jod being trained for.

How long is basic training for the army?

BCT (Basic Combat Training) lasts nine weeks, and all recruits go through it. AIT (Advanced Individual Training) lasts different durations based on the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) the recruit has chosen.

How long does it take to become a sergeant in the Canadian forces?

13 weeks for Basic Training, then 3 weeks for element training (army, air force, or navy), then one month for trade training (such as infantry, artillery, etc.).

How long is your long weekend off in army training?

Not long enough.