Departure point: Newark, New Jersey
Destination point: Barcelona, Spain
Estimated flight duration: 7 hours, 47 minutes
Orlando, FL (ORL) to Barcelona (BCN) Shortest Flight Duration * 11 hours 30 mins * Via Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Intl Apt, Atlanta (ATL)
A flight from Barcelona to Palma Spain is between 45 minutes to an hour. Many flight lengths depends when you leave from the airport and such.
The flight distance from Fiji to Barcelona, Spain is 10,801 miles / 17,382 km.
The flight time from Bristol, United Kingdom to Barcelona, Spain is about 1 hour, 28 minutes.
The flight distance from Barcelona, Spain to China is:5,260 miles / 8 464 km
A direct flight is roughly 6.5 hours.
England, France, and Spain.
Miami, FL (MIA) to Barcelona (BCN) Shortest Flight Duration 11 hours 5 mins
The flight distance from Barcelona, Spain to Omaha, Nebraska is:4,788 miles / 7 706 km
The flight time from Barcelona, Spain to Singapore is about 13 hours, 31 minutes.
6012 miles only
Flight time from Bangor, Maine to Barcelona, Spain is seven and a half hours.