Approximate flight duration time from Tokyo to Amsterdam is:12 hrs
The flight from Boston, MA, USA to Amsterdam, Netherlands takes 7 hours.
Otopeni-Budapest-Amsterdam: 4 hours, with Malev.
A flight from Miami to Amsterdam would have a flying time of about 10 hours.
Approx. 3 hrs
Approximate flight duration time from Tokyo to Amsterdam is:12 hrs
A typical flight from Nigeria to Amsterdam, Netherlands takes about 5 to 6 hours.
It takes about an hour to fly from Iceland to Amsterdam.
The Flight takes about 3 Hours.
Amsterdam (AMS) to Beijing (BJS)Flight Duration 9 hours 20 mins
The flight from Boston, MA, USA to Amsterdam, Netherlands takes 7 hours.
Otopeni-Budapest-Amsterdam: 4 hours, with Malev.
2 hours
3 hours
That is about 8 hours.