It depends on how long but, ussual it last from 1min to 4min. It also depends if it stops or it is really slow.
I'd say that's true for a resort with very short lifts. Typical lifts takes considerably longer time than that.
As long as my last dump.
3 days
you just lift it as normal
It depends on your average speed
A ride
A ride
It should be 'last rode the ride'.
they ride freeon buses and get discount on planes.
It depends if you ride on a ruff road but if you just go to skate parks it can last a very long time.
The weight of the riders does not affect the amount the ride can lift since the system is designed to lift and carry the combined weight of the riders and cars. Air resistance is a factor that the ride must overcome to lift riders into the air.
Yes you can, But a suspension lift will mess up your ride, It will not ride or drive as good as it does now.A body lift will no alter the suspension or change the way it handles.Body lift is the best way to go.