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Q: How long does it take to make a parachute?
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How do you make a egg parachute?

make a big parachute

What can you do to make a toy parachute fall more slowly?

Make the parachute wider/bigger or make the parachute deeper. Make the thing pulling it down lighter. Hope this helps. =)

What happens if you take too long to open your parachute?

The longer you delay, the faster your speed when you hit the ground.

How long are parachute cables?


What was the material of the first parachute made?

The first parachute was made from silk. André-Jacques Garnerin, who invented the parachute in 1797, used a silk parachute to make successful jumps.

How do you make a slow parachute?

the circular parachute 134.88m/s its average descent followed by a parallelogram one

Does the size of a parachute affect how long it will float in the air?

Yes, the size of a parachute does affect how long it will float in the air. A larger parachute with more surface area will create more drag, slowing the descent and allowing it to float in the air longer compared to a smaller parachute.

How do you design a parachute for a middle school project?

For a middle school project, you should design a parachute that is the right size for a small action figure. You can make the parachute out of an old pair of parachute pants.

How do they make real parachutes?

the parachute is made from long-lasting strong string series of cord and straps but the actual parachute (top part) is made from Teflon or something similar item used in bullet proof vest

How do you make parachute stay in the air longer?

You can make a parachute stay in the air longer by increasing its surface area, either by using a larger parachute or by adding more fins or panels to the canopy. You can also try adjusting the weight of the payload attached to the parachute to help it descend more slowly. Finally, make sure the parachute is properly packed and deployed to maximize its effectiveness in the air.

Why a person without a parachute falls fast than a person without a parachute falling from same height?

if there is no air then both will take same time.But due to presence of air person who is without parachute will take less time.

How can you make a parachute with a small area float down slowly?

You have a small person under the small parachute.