Departure point: Charlotte, North Carolina
Destination point: Maine, United States
Estimated flight duration: 2 hours, 9 minutes
2 hours and 19 minutes
56 minutes
About 1 hour 50 mins in the air, from take-off to touch-down.
First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.
It would take about 2 hours to fly from Norfolk, Virginia to Chicago, Illinois. There is approximately 699 miles between the two locations.
How long will it take to drive to Florida from centreville VA?
well take a bus to an airport then fly.
It takes about two hours to fly from JFK Airport to Williamsburg, VA. However, there are very few direct flights either way.
From where
about 3.5 to 4 hours
There are no commerical non-stops between Louisville and Richmond, so the question is moot. Private jets can do it in about an hour.
from Augusta ga to VA beach, VA is 7.5-8 hr drive