Between 2-3 hours depending on speed and altitude.
how long is the flight time from Munich to Dubai?
The flight time from Dubai UAE to Copenhagen Denmark is 6 hours
6hr 30min to 6hr 40min Paris (CDG) to Dubai (DXB) by a nonstop flight operated by Air France or Emirates Airlines.
the flight from Dubai, UAE to Baghdad takes roughly 3 hours.
I fly from Milwaukee to Dubai 3 times a year. Delta offers non-stop from Atlanta to Dubai. The total flight time is about 17 1/2 hours - 1 1/2 from Milwaukee to Atlanta and 16 from Atlanta to Dubai. The mileage is about 8,000. Continental offfers non-stop from Washington to Dubai. The flight time is about the same.
The flight time from Dubai in the UAE to Düsseldorf in Germany is approximately 6 hours and 22 minutes. The total distance is 5020.84 km or 3119 miles. The flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could alter the length of the flight.
The flight time is half an hour
It is an estimated 9 hours flight.
Flight Via Nairobi, Kenya Dubai - Nairobi 4h Nairobi - Zanzibad 1h40m + Time between flights
The flight time from Knoxville, Tennessee to Dubai, United Arab Emirates averages 14 hours, 54 minutes.
The flight time from Dubai, United Arab Emirates to Seoul, South Korea is about 8 hours, 27 minutes.