The distance from Toronto to Mississauga is 30.3km and will take about 25 minutes.
The distance between Windsor Ontario and Mississauga Ontario is 354km and will take about 3 hours 42 Minutes to drive.
About 1 Day and 4 hours
If driving at speed limit on the 401 Highway, it will take you 6.5 hours.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 41 hours.
1 to 14 days or more
The distance from downtown Mississauga to central Toronto is 28 kilometres; assuming an average walking speed and light traffic it would take about 6 hours.
1 to 2 weeks or more
a long time About five hours in the air on a direct flight.
== == 8 to 9 hours depending on the winds that day.
How long does it take to drive from Toronto to Burlington
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