Driving time from Hobart to Launceston is about 1 hour 55 minutes. The distance is 197 km.
1:30 to 2hrs
There is a distance of 53.9 miles between Exmouth England and Launceston England in the United Kingdom. This distance will take approximately 1 hour and 6 minutes to drive between these two locations.
The ferry from Devenport, Tasmania travels to Melbourne and the ride is about 10 1/2 hours. To travel from Tasmania to Sydney, you will have to either take the ferry to Melbourne and take a bus, plane, train or drive to Sydney, or fly directly from Launceston, Devenport or Hobart, Tasmania.
Get off your butt and just drive their yourself
Not unless you have an aqua car. If you have an aqua car, can I have one too? You can take your own vehicle on the ferry (Spirit of Tasmania) across the Bass Strait from Melbourne to Davenport, then drive to Hobart. The driving distance from Davenport to Hobart is approximately 280 kilometres.
Your answer depends on where you want to go in Antarctica.
Your answer depends on the speed of your boat and directions you navigate between Hobart and wherever you plan to visit Antarctica.
Take the M4 motorway until you reach Bristol, then take the M5 southwest until you get to Exeter, finally take the A30 from Exeter until you reach Launceston - then you're in Cornwall.
1hour and 50 mins 1hour and 50 mins
No. One must travel from Melbourne to Tasmania by the Spirit of Tasmania ferry, across Bass Strait, then drive from Devonport (where the ferry docks) to Hobart.
Me and you slappy will take over Launceston around the street