A new eyebrow piercing hurts for about 1-2 weeks and it takes 6-8 weeks to heal completely.
Bleeding after getting a new piercing is normal; a piercing is technically an injury & your body will (usually) heal.
A new piercing and you want to dive on it? Yes it will hurt the piercing.
no this is a sign of infection you should get it looked at by your g.p
Its definitely not a good idea to as your piercing can easily get infected by doing this. It may also close up in the time it is out. Wait 6 weeks before changing your jewelry
No. That could cause scar tissue to build up. Use antibacterial soap or sea salt & warm water.
you have to leave it in for 2 weeks
No. Especially not while its new. Removing and reinserting the jewelry will not only hurt, but irritate the piercing. After its healed, just do whatever you'd like!
he has one eyebrow piercing,ears pierced and tongue - wrong, his ears are not pierced ! - actually he has his eyebrow, tongue, ears, NOSE, and I'm not sure if it's only one of his nipples or both, pierced. if you think I'm wrong check out the new Tokio Hotel TV episode "Secret Test Drive", it came out just today, and you can clearly see all his piercings OR P.S. i think it's getting a little bit out of control... but don't let that stop you from liking him
6 to 8 weeks for a light heal. Keep in mind it's a new piercing and will be a new piercing until it is a year old so if you catch a cold the piercing can swell back up again.
Of course you CAN. But It's definitely not recommended, as it will only GREATLY increase your chance of infection. (Not to mention hurt like hell)
Get a new ring, or if it's just that rings are uncomfortable for you, get a stud.
It depends on how long you have had the piercing. if its new about a couple mins to an hour maybe depends on the body part you put the piercing. if you had it for a while it could take a couple days to close or a month