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Fleming did not invent penicillin, he discovered it by accident when it ruined an experiment he was doing trying to culture bacteria. It took many others and the expediency of wartime emergency funding to invent the technologies needed to mass produce penicillin as a drug.

Many later antibiotics related to penicillin were later invented in labs, but penicillin is not anyone's invention as it is a natural substance made by a type of fungus.

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Discovered in 1928, born in 1881.

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13y ago

We don't actually know because he only found it when he got back from a holiday!

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10y ago

it's hard to answere becuase at around the same time, a nazi soldier in Germany was also studying the topic. Not long after that penicillin was produced into a drug.

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Q: How old was Alexander Fleming when he discovered penicillin?
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How old was Alexander Fleming when he made pencillin?

Alexander Fleming was 47 years old when he discovered penicillin in 1928.

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Alexander Fleming was 47 years old when he discovered penicillin in 1928.

How old is Sir Alexander Fleming?

Sir Alexander Fleming was born on August 6, 1881 and died on March 11, 1955. Sir Alexander Fleming would have been 73 years old at the time of death or 133 years old today.

When did Alexander Fleming start working and how old was he?

Alexander Fleming started working as a bacteriologist at St. Mary's Hospital in London in 1906 when he was 26 years old.

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Alexander Fleming was 73 years old when he died on March 11, 1955 in London,England.

How old was Alexander Fleming when he died?

He died at 74 years old.

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Around his early 20's

What did sir Alexander Fleming discover?

Sir Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic properties of penicillin in 1928, which revolutionized the treatment of bacterial infections in medicine and saved countless lives. His discovery laid the foundation for the development of other antibiotics and significantly advanced the field of microbiology.

When did Sir Alexander Flemings father die?

Sir Alexander Fleming's father, Hugh Fleming, died when Alexander was just seven years old in 1895. His father's death had a significant impact on Fleming's upbringing and educational opportunities.

Alexander Fleming's full name?

i am a very old person his name is lafrontic slamansed that is what the book that i readed said

What did sir Alexander discovered?

In 1928, Fleming was working on the staphylococcibacteria - the kind that cause boils and sore throats, when, whilst he was examining some old bacterial plates that he noticed a mould had grown on one of his cultures. He saw what he believed was unusual in that some of the colonies of staphylococci that should have been growing near the mould had disappeared. Fleming thought that the mould could be making something that was capable of destroying the bacteria. He did some more experiments and found that this was indeed the case. He cultured the mould by growing it in broth. The mould was later identified as Penicillium notatum which had produced what we now call penicillin.

How old was Sir Sandford Fleming at death?

Ian Fleming was 56 years old when he died on August 12, 1964. (birthdate May 28, 1908)