The Bangladesh Genocide occurred for roughly 8.5 months in the year 1971. It was perpetrated by Pakistani leaders and their allies on Bengalis, resulting in 3,000,000 Bengali deaths and 300,000 Bengali women being raped.
Since 2003 Feb
in Darfur
the darfur genocide is occurring in the western region of the country of Sudan along the border with chad.
One can find information on genocide in Sudan from the different sites such as the following; Insight on conflict, Genocide intervention, HelpSudan, and ABF American Bar Foundation.
It began in Feb 2003
It was Janjaweed militia supported by the Umar Al Bashar government of Sudan
No, I'm 100% sure that it isn't going.
Yep. Just look at Sudan.
they killed each other. and got raped.
Genocides typically last until (1) a foreign army intervenes and shuts down the genocide (such as in the Jewish Holocaust, Rwandan Genocide, or Cambodian Genocide), or (2) the genocide is generally deemed to be complete or successful (such as in the Armenian genocide, genocide against the Wampanoag). There is no set time frame in either case.
Too many to count with my fingers.