6 weeks
6 months
8 hours on a plane, but on your flight tickit it will say 11hours as ther is a 3 hour time difference between Somalia and London
A flight from London to las Vegas takes takes 10.5 hours
he did it for 3 years straight
It took him almost from 1609 to 1628 was about the time.
It can carry 20 people
He took his son with him.
7 years
water, scope, food, map........
his company told him to go on them.
how long does it take to get train from london to runcorn
yes he did
Henry Hudson traveled across the Atlantic Ocean. He passed through the southern tip of Greenland into a narrow water way that is today known as the Hudson Strait. This journey took Henry and his crew to an area of water that is know named Hudson Bay. They traveled south into James Bay.