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If you're asking how can you tell how old your blue belly lizard is, then it's easy you just look at how many spots there are. But if you're asking how old is mine, then the answer would be 6 (:

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13y ago
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14y ago

Depending on the species, I've seen a blue tongue grow 102cm

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15y ago

They are apprxamately 1000000000000000000000000000 years old They are apprxamately 1000000000000000000000000000 years old

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14y ago

Approximately 100 days, or 3-5 months, depending on the species. Larger species have a longer gestation period.

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16y ago

thay live for 20 years

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12y ago

2ft long

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Q: How old is your blue belly lizard?
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Are blue belly lizard common?

yes they are.

How i know female blue belly lizard?

Depending on your effort to study the lizard and how interested you are in the lizard category.

Is it illegal to sell blue belly lizard in Colorado?

Yes it is illegal.

What do you do with a baby blue belly lizard with a head injury?

Take it to a VET !

how do i tell if a blue belly lizard is going to have a baby?

if the mom is fat !!!!!!

What do blue belly lizard drink?

they drink water.

Do blue belly lizard eat moths?

yes because moths are insects

When you rub on the blue belly lizard on his belly he plays dead?

No it does not it likes having a belly rub so it closes its eyes Thats all

How long do Blue-tongued lizard live?

if they are look after then probably 20-35 years.

How do young when a blue belly lizard is dead?

If it's not moving yet, it might be dead.

How can you tell if blue belly lizards are girls or boys?

It's nearly impossible to determine rather the sex of a blue belly lizard is male or female.Sometimes the males belly is a lighter color than the females.

Can a bunny and a blue belly lizard live in the same cage?

No it is possible for a lizard and a bunny to stay in the same cage. The lizard could attack the bunny or the other way around.