You need a longer question. From what city to what city. Driving? Flying? Otherwise, I could step across the stateline and be there instantly.
How long does it take to drive from Boynton Beach, FL to Savannah GA
about 1 week
It takes 5.5 hours to drive from Atlanta GA. to Jacksonville, FL I-75 south to I-10 East
4 hrs
about 8 hrs
4 days
The drive from St. Augustine, FL to Savannah, GA takes 3 hours and is a distance of 180.93 miles according to MapQuest.
how many hours is it to drive from valdosta ga to gainesville fla
The shortest distance is 129 miles.
It is 334.31 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 299.54 miles according to MapQuest.
Around four hours.