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through judges

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Q: How is the Judicial branch organized?
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Who organized the judicial branch?

Judiciary Act of 1789

How was the government organized under the Constitution?

legislative executive and judicial branch

What law organized the judicial branch into different levels?

dog dog

How is the government organized?

the government has 3 branches, the legislative branch, the judicial branch and the executive branch. That is actually the us government.

How did the state constitution organize the government?

they organized it by judicial, executive, and legislative branch

How did the state constitution organize the state?

they organized it by judicial, executive, and legislative branch

What branch explains laws whenever there is a disagreement over them?

judicial branch

How did the state constitution organize their governments?

They organize their governments by 3 the branches

What qualifications of the supreme court justice are?

leads the judicial branch

What branch decides cases between citizens of different states?

All levels of courts fall within the judicial branch.

The courts are a part of the branch.?

Judicial Branch

What branch has the power to declare an executive act unconstitutional?

The Judicial Branch had this power. The process in which this branch declare laws constitutional or unconstitutional is called the Judicial Review