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Go on Google and search Ted Williams, the science of hitting. Great book, all about the science of hitting a round ball with a round bat, squarely and the best hit, the line drive. It has other stuff too, but READ THIS BOOK! It is amazing.

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To Measure Time,Weight,Momentum,etc.Like In The Olympics.

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Q: How is science used in sports?
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How is science used in personal training or sport?

In today's generation, the appearance of the innovations in technology proves how science is used in personal or sports training. The science is the technology.

How does science change sports?

science makes sports boring.

What is sports science?

Sports Science is a TV show that shows you what really happens to people when they are playing sports and how bad it can be

What is the importance of science in sports?

you can use your science knowledge in sports even to win a game.

Who studies sports science?

Sports Scientist

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Sports Science

What is the effect of science and technology on sports and games?

Formerly we used to play games in various traditional ways. But science has given us so many new ways to play the same old games. We should be happy about the positive impacts of science on our games and sports.

Why is science important in sports?

its not

What is a catchy title for a science project about sports balls?

"Bouncing into Science: Investigating the Physics of Sports Balls"

What does science in sports mean?

science in sports is determining the speed of the ball with your power. sports are not about hitting as hard as you can, its also about hitting it with perfect combination of accuracy and strength.

How do you build a working model of science and technology for games and sports?

How do you build a working model of science and technology for games and sports?

What jobs can you get when you study sports science?

You can be a sports coach after doing this course.