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People breath it in and out to recycle it

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Q: How is air recycled?
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Why does carbon that cars give off stay in the air and not get recycled?

what do you mean not get recycled? there isnt a factory that recycles air

What is the difference between carbon cycle and and oxygen cycle?

Their is recycled air in the carbon dioxide and oxygen cycle and no recycled air in the carbon cycle.

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What can be done with CFCs from old air conditioners?

They can be recovered and recycled.

Why must recycled refrigerant checked for air?

Refrigerant contaminated with air won't function properly.

Why doesn't the air you breathe and the water you drink doesn't run out?

I gets recycled

What are the air filters that are located in the glove box on a Chevy venture 2003?

They are for the air in the passenger space. They filter out particles for both recycled air and air brought in from the outside.

What can be recycled Energy or matter?

Matter can be recycled through processes like recycling paper, plastic, and glass. Energy cannot be recycled, but it can be transformed and transferred between different forms.

HOW is Oxygen provided in aircraft?

On commercial airliners the jet turbines are also used to cram air into small ducts (at very high pressure) which is mixed with recycled air and then bled back into the cabin through the air conditioning. On commercial airliners the jet turbines are also used to cram air into small ducts (at very high pressure) which is mixed with recycled air and then bled back into the cabin through the air conditioning.

Is the air in an aeroplane recycled throughout the journey?

Yes, it is re-cycled many times. This usually happens as 'bleed off' of engine intake air.

Why do puddles disppear?

Evaporation! The water evaporates into the air because the sun produces heat and is then recycled to be used as rain.

How is air recycled in submarines?

In modern submarines, the electrolyser separates oxygen from hydrogen in seawater to produce breathable oxygen. There is also a scrubber that removes excess CO2 from the air.