It's considered a mammal (generally) because it has hair, mammary glands (nurses it's young), and is warmblooded (keeps a high body temperature).
Remember, classifications for animals were created by humans. You're going to have some of Darwin's oddities fall through the cracks.
The platypus, along with the echidna, fall into their own special group among mammals. They are called monotremes.
If you mean genus, e.g. Canines, Felines, etc., then platapusses and echidnas are marsupials
Yes, all mammals have a skeleton.Yes, all mammals have a skeleton.Yes, all mammals have a skeleton.Yes, all mammals have a skeleton.Yes, all mammals have a skeleton.Yes, all mammals have a skeleton.
Mammals. Mammals.
Mammals Have Hair Or Fur, Non-Mammals Don't.
We are mammals, and mammals are one category of animal, so we are both animals and mammals.
yes, badgers are mammals
Sharks are NOT mammals.
Most Australian mammals are marsupials unlike American mammals.
No, all sea animals are not mammals. Fishes are not mammals, but dolphins are mammals.
Yes, they are placental mammals. Most mammals are placental. The other two options are marsupial mammals (mammals with a pouch) and monotreme mammals (mammals that lay eggs).
They are not mammals
We are mammals.