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It's a rating for the sensitivity of the film to light. The higher the number, the more sensitive. For digital, it represents a corresponding increase in the sensitivity of the ccd (the image capturing device). Either way, higher numbers trade off image quality for speed.

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13y ago

ISO stands for International Standards Organisation, and was created to standardise the old ASA/DIN settings.

ISO refers to the speed (sensitivity)of the film itself, whether a fast film like HP4 or Tri-X at ISO 400, or a slow film like PanF at ISO 32.

The ISO equivalent has carried over to digital Photography, where you can set the sensor's speed to these speed equivalents, resulting in (for example) a faster/low light capability at the expense of 'graininess' or resolution

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15y ago

ISO controls the sensitivity to light of a particular film or camera.

ISO is a measure of film "speed" or sensor sensitivity. ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization and replaced what used to be called ASA, which was American Standards Association. Both mean the same thing as far as photography is concerned.

Most folks today seem to be using digital cameras, which have the luxury of being able to change their ISO at will. Some cameras do it for you. The default ISO of a camera might be ISO 100, which would be a medium "speed" of "film." But in low light, the camera might crank the ISO up to 200 or 400 or higher, depending on the camera. Every time the ISO doubles, it's the equivalent of one full f/stop or shutter speed. Many cameras allow you to manually set the ISO higher, or lower, than the default, but be aware that the higher you put the ISO, the more likely you are to see "noise" in the image, which is the digital equivalent of "grain" in film. I never worry too much about it, as "grain: or "noise" sometimes is the price of a sharp image in lower than ideal light, but if you like things wire sharp and grainless, keep your ISO down and if necessary use a tripod.

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What the "ISO" knob on your camera actually does is recalibrate the meter.

Let's pull a number out of the air and say an "ISO 100" film requires 100 units of light to reproduce a medium gray (one that reflects 18 percent of the light that hits it--this is the "standard gray" all meters are calibrated to) as medium gray. And further, we'll say that if you set your shutter to be open for 1/250 second and your lens' aperture to be f/11 on a nice day, 100 units of light will fall on the film. There's a reciprocal relationship between shutter and aperture; if you change the shutter speed to 1/125 you will have to close the lens to f/16 to get 100 units of light; opening the lens to f/8 will require you to speed the shutter to 1/500.

If we change to a different speed of film, we need more or less light--an ISO 50 film needs twice as much light as an ISO 100 film; an ISO 400 film needs one-quarter the light. By changing the sensitivity of the meter through recalibration with the ISO knob, the meter will give good exposures on whatever film you use.

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13y ago

ISO is lighting for your camera. So if you click on ISO and set it higher it will make your picture lighter, if you set it lower your picture will be darker so if it really bright outside you will want a lower ISO, but say it is cloudy and dark you may want your ISO a little higher.

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In photography, gain and ISO both control the brightness of an image, but they work differently. Gain adjusts the signal strength of the sensor, while ISO amplifies the signal after it's been captured. Using a higher gain can introduce more noise to the image, affecting its quality, while increasing ISO can also lead to noise but may result in a brighter image. Finding the right balance between gain and ISO is important to maintain image quality.

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ISO 2000 is not a standard ISO value for camera settings. Typically, ISO values in photography range from 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, and so on, doubling the sensitivity with each increase. ISO 2000 is an uncommon value but can be used in some camera models to achieve a higher sensitivity to light in low-light conditions.

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Math is important for pretty much every career you choose. so my guess is yes.

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What is iso in photography?

ISO was originally a measure of the sensitivity of photographic film to light. ISO is measured in increments such as 100, 200 400 and 800. As the ISO number of the film increases the film takes better pictures in lower light however the images will be more grainy. The convention has carried over to digital cameras with the same relationship between sensitivity to light and image quality.

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Nicephore Niepceand is a Frenchman and is credited as the father of photography. He is important because he invented the first known camera.

What does ISO 400 speed mean?

'ISO' refers to the speed at which electronic image sensors (in digital cameras) and film (in film cameras) react to light to form a picture. So ISO 400 is just one particular setting from the range of options on your camera.'ISO' is not an acronym for a technical detail of the sensor. It simply stands for the organisation who devised the system and determined the measurements: International Organization for Standardization. The system is more or less standardized across film and digital photography., with the same aperture and shutter speed values, a film and a digital camera set to ISO 400 would produce similar results in terms of exposure.It's a decent rule of thumb to stick to ISO 100 (or the lowest option on your particular camera) whenever possible. The higher the ISO, the lower the quality of the image. So with a faster sensor/film (which makes low light digital photography much easier) you sacrifice some quality.Whilst digital cameras are capable of ISO speeds much faster than 400, and the image quality at this speed will remain quite good, it is faster than required for most shots.

How do you get iso on PSP?

iso is a file name so do u mean the iso folder or a iso game matter the iso folder can u get with custom firemware iso games can be downloaded from examlpe pirate buy but u need custom firemware or flashed psp

Why it is important to have photography or photos in this world today?

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