vegetation that is decaying
A food source.
On decaying vegetation and cheese.
once-living material that has been broken down by decomposers(bacteria, mushrooms,worms...etc)
Decaying vegetation puts out heat, and this heat incubates the eggs.
Yes, decaying vegetation acts as a carbon sink by storing carbon in the soil as organic matter. When plants die and decompose, the carbon they absorbed during photosynthesis is released into the soil and stored there. This helps to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, making decaying vegetation an important component in the carbon cycle.
Decaying plant material is called organic matter or plant litter. It consists of broken down plant debris that enriches soil through the process of decomposition.
A saprophyte is an organism that feeds on decaying matter by secreting enzymes onto the decaying matter and then absorbing what the enzymes have broken it down into. Most saprophytes are bacteria and fungi.
Ghost towns are made up of broken down or abandoned buildings. These towns were once inhabited, but the population has drastically decreased for various reasons, leaving behind decaying structures.
Depending on species, a mound of decaying vegetation or sand.
The decayed organic material in soil is called detrition. This is the broken down results of leaves and other organic substances.
They eat decaying vegetation sleep under dead leaves.See the Related Link.