In Roman numerals the number 77 is written as LXXVII.
1900 is written in Roman numerals as MCM.
The number 2100 written in Roman numerals is MMC
887 in Roman numerals is DCCCLXXXVII
4000 is written as MMMM.
(V)I or VI but with an horizontal line above the numeral V to indicate multiplication by a thousand. Numerals in brackets also indicate multiplication by a thousand. So: 5*1000+1 = 5001
In Roman numerals the number 77 is written as LXXVII.
1900 is written in Roman numerals as MCM.
The number 2100 written in Roman numerals is MMC
887 in Roman numerals is DCCCLXXXVII
4000 is written as MMMM.
1,314 written in Roman numerals is MCCCXIV
1750 in Roman numerals is: MDCCL
Roman numerals written in block capitals.
30.12.1997 is written in roman numerals as XXX.XII.MCMXCVII
9998 in Roman numerals is written as I̅X̅X̅C̅ MCMXCVIII.
The number 232 in Roman numerals is CCXXXII