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There is no measure of dolphin IQ, and since dolphins and humans use their intelligence in different ways it is hard to compare their intelligence. However, according to the Encyclopedia of Marine Animals, dolphins have 0,87 · 10^14 synapses in their cortex while humans have 1,3 · 10^14, which is about 67% of human synapses. That's probably the best idea you can get of dolphin intelligence.

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14y ago

Bottle nosed dolphins for example , have a larger brain than a human. (put your fists together, which is the size of YOUR brain and then double that to get a dolphins brain)

making them very intelligent.

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15y ago

yes they are one of the most intelligent animals on earth

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14y ago

They're very smart naturally, their intelligence is on porpoise!

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13y ago

5-6 year old, it's like you before going to school !

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14y ago

The second most intelligent creatures after humans. Scientist say that they shouldn't be called non-humans.

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about a humans

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Q: How intelligent is a dolphin?
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The one that is believed to be the most intelligent is the dolphin. They have unique characteristics and are mostly friendly with humans.

How smart are Dolphin?

Dolphins are considered one of the most intelligent creatures on this earth.

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I would say a dolphin then the elephant!

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a dolphin can do as it is told, give kisses, jump, roll over, leap through hoops, balance a ball on it's head, pull it's head out of the water, and do many more intelligent things.

Why is Dolphin are cool?

Dolphins are highly intelligent and they play dead for predators like sharks.

Where can you get 4 pages of note on dolphin intelligent?

You could do a search on Dolphins or get on WWW.Wiki also.

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What is the name of an intelligent mammal?

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