A Field Goal is a method of scoring points. It is not a structure, and therefore it is not something that can be measured for tallness.
120 yards
Yes, but the goal post is 10 feet high. The incoming field goal would have to be barely able to clear the post for it to be within reach of even the most vertically talented player to knock down.
the goal post
From goal post to goal post, it is 120 yards. The endzones are 10 yards long each, in addition the the 100 yards of the playing field.
120 yards
120 yards3650 feet
Endzone to endzone it is 100 yard. From goal post to goal post it is 120 yards
120 yards. 100 yards of field and 2 10 yard endzones.
Too far!
120 yards from goal post to goal post and 50 yards wide.
360 feet.
It is believed to be 116 yards.