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24 -Physics for Science and Engineers Tipler and Mosca Page 84

answ2. A constellation of satellites is usually 24 plus a few spares to allow for mishaps.

There is the Navstar GPS set, there is a Russian named Glonass, The Chinese are well through completing their set, and the European Union has made a start on Galileo.

From all of these one may obtain GPS data, and all operate in closely similar manners and frequencies for rather obvious inter-operability reasons.

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It ranges enormously; the lowest practical orbit is around 200km - orbits decay very quickly after that. A popular height is the geosynchronous orbit; 36,000km - the orbit time at that altitude is 24 hours, so the satellite appears stationary in the sky, making them ideal for satellite TV and other communications applications.

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according to my teacher it's 6000-12,000

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Q: How high do GPS satellites orbit?
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What type of orbit is used by gps satellites subsynchronous or sunsynchronous?

Geostationary satellites are the ones used for GPS satellites.

Is a GPS an imput or output device?

GPS stands for global positioning system. it is a series of outputs from the GPS satellites and then input from their relative distance from the GPS enabled device. in other words, GPS systems are not in terms of input or output, just like you do not measure distance in voltage.

What is a GPS device?

Global positioning system, GPS, is a device that calculates its exact position on Earth in relation to latitude and longtitude, triangulated via satellites. The Answer from akakscase: I'm going to answer your question in parts so you can have a better understanding of what exactly a GPS Device is. GPS, or Global Positioning System, is a system of satelites that are orbiting the earth in a geo-synchronous orbit. That means relative to the ground they stay in the same spots in the sky. These GPS satelites send out a specific signal with a specific timing embeded in the signal. A GPS Device has a GPS reciever, an antenna specifically made to detect the signals from the satelites. When the device can detect a satelite it can use the timing in the signals to detemine it's precise distance from the satelite. When it can see more than three satelites it can use the distances to determine your position in the world. Most GPS Devices are tolerant within 30 feet, but some of the more accurate and expensive ones can be tolerant within a few inches. Tolerance is the margin or error of your position in relation to the satelites. So A GPS device is a device that uses the GPS satelites to find your position, within a margin of error, on the planet.

What technology discussed in the lecture might be the most helpful to hikers lost in the wilderness?

GPS would be the most helpful. It can tell the hikers where they are and where they need to go. Also, since it relies on satellites, the device will never be out of range as cell phones or radios might be.

What is different about the motion of satellites that travel in elliptical paths compared to satellites that travel in circular paths?

Elliptical satellites don't have a constant speed, but circular satellites do

Related questions

What type of orbit is used by gps satellites subsynchronous or sunsynchronous?

Geostationary satellites are the ones used for GPS satellites.

How many satellites are there and how high do they orbit?

There are currently 32 GPS satellites Orbiting earth at 20,000Kms above sea level There are also 24 GLONASS satellites (The russian version of a GPS satellite) Which many high end GPS receivers will use in conjunction with the standard GPS satellites. These orbit a little lower than GPS at arond 19,000Kms above sea level. There are 4 Galileo Satellites, which are currently un used, but are the start of the European satellite constealltion which is a work in progress. They orbit at 24,000Kms above sea level. On top of all that, there are 10 Chinese navigation satellites called COMPASS orbiting in an orbit above China and Asia. They orbit at around 21,000 Kms above sea level.

How many GPS Satellites does the US Deptartment of Defense have?

There are currently 30 healthy GPS satellites in orbit.

How do GPS satellite systems orbit?

GPS satellites orbit the Earth at an altitude of about 20,000 km in medium Earth orbit (MEO). They move in precise paths to ensure global coverage and are spaced evenly to provide accurate positioning data. The satellites follow elliptical orbits that repeat every 12 hours.

How far up in the sky are satellites?

There are currently 32 GPS satellites Orbiting earth at 20,000Kms above sea level There are also 24 GLONASS satellites (The russian version of a GPS satellite) Which many high end GPS receivers will use in conjunction with the standard GPS satellites. These orbit a little lower than GPS at arond 19,000Kms above sea level. There are 4 Galileo Satellites, which are currently un used, but are the start of the European satellite constealltion which is a work in progress. They orbit at 24,000Kms above sea level. On top of all that, there are 10 Chinese navigation satellites called COMPASS orbiting in an orbit above China and Asia. They orbit at around 21,000 Kms above sea level.

Examples of artificial satellites?

First was sputnik, but anything from the Direct TV and XM radio satellites and telecommunication, GPS to the International Space Station are artificial satellites in Earth Orbit. There are artificial satellites currently in orbit around other planets as well.

A small object in orbit around a planet is a?

Satellite. Satellites can be natural, like the Moon, or artificial like GPS satellites.

How many times does a GPS satellite orbit the earth in a week?

The GPS satellites are not in geo-stationary orbit, but instead orbit twice every time the Earth rotates once. This means that for any observer the satellites appear to orbit once overhead each day. Such an arrangement gives better coverage. It is also clever in the sense that the motion of any GPS satellite will repeat itself each day. The GPS constellation of 24 satellites are arranged in six different orbital planes, each inclined 55 degrees to the equator. To obtain exactly two orbits per day, the satellites are placed at an altitude of 20,200km!!!

How many satellites orbit the US?

As of 2021, there are over 1,425 active satellites orbiting the United States. These satellites are used for various purposes including communication, weather monitoring, GPS, and national security.

Which layer of the atmosphere do communications satellites orbit?

Most communications satellites operate outside of the earth's atmosphere. The GPS satellites are about 23,000 miles from the surface of the earth.

What type of orbit are GPS satellites in?

GPS satellites are in Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) at an altitude of approximately 20,000 kilometers. This allows them to provide global coverage while being close enough to maintain accurate signal transmission to receivers on the ground.

How was World War 2 fought differently because of GPS?

GPS was not invented for forty years after WWII ended. GPS depends on satellites orbiting the earth. The satellites get there by rocket. The first satellite did not orbit the earth until 1957.