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Through food and Landforms and the animals

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12y ago
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11y ago

there are meanders, were there is fast flowing water and slip off slopes

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15y ago

Above all, the building of dams. This controlled the river, the flooding and provided electricity and storage of water.

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12y ago

20% of the rainforest has already been lost and many species are dying out each year

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With Dams and Pollution

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11y ago

i need help too

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Q: How do humans affect the Amazon river's ecosystem?
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How do meandering rivers relate to humans how do humans use meandering rivers how do meandering rivers affect humans?

Meandering rivers provide habitats for wildlife and support biodiversity, contributing to ecosystem services that benefit humans. Humans utilize meandering rivers for activities such as fishing, transportation, agriculture, and recreation. However, meandering rivers can also pose risks to human settlements by causing erosion, flooding, and changes in land use patterns.

How does rivers and streams affect daily lives?

Rivers and streams are the genesis of life in an ecosystem. Without these rivers and streams, the chain of life cannot be extended. All human and animal life and their derivatives depend on these bodies of water.

How did rivers affect the humans settlement?

Rivers were important to early settlements since they were the main means of transport, and furnished power for early industrial applications.

How did the environment and physical geography affect early humans?

The fact that humans have always needed to have water to survive caused them to settle by rivers. The rivers provided drinking water as well as food. The climate caused the early humans to settle in warm areas.

What major of landform is west of the amazon basin?

lakes and rivers,amazon river

Show a ecosystem diagrams about animals rainforest rivers plants?

Show a ecosystem diagrams about animals rain forest rivers plants?

What is the ecosystem for the big toothed piranha?

Piranha live in South American rivers like Orinoco, the Guyana, the Amazon, the Rio Sao Francisco, the Rio Paraguay and the Rio Parana. These rivers have temperatures from75 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

How did the rivers benefit the people of the region?

Rivers have been considered the reasons why civilization first begun. The flowing waters allowed agriculture to thrive as well as supporting an ecosystem of plants and animals that humans can also use as resources.

How are Amazon and Nile and the Mississippi rivers alike?

they are rivers

Which of these two rivers are larger niel or amazon?


Are there any rivers in the amazon?

Yes, the Amazon River

Who pollutes rivers?

humans pollute rivers!