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A feather will float slowly downwards due to air resistance. The speed at which it falls will depend on factors such as its weight, size, and shape, as well as air currents.

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Q: How fast does a feather float?
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Related questions

When was Feather Float created?

Feather Float was created on 1999-03-03.

Why can a feather float and you cant?

because the feather is light and humans are not light

Does a feather float on oil?

Yes, it does.

Why do ducks float?

Ducks have a high fat content in their bodies, which makes them more buoyant and helps them float on water. Additionally, their bodies are designed with air pockets that also aid in keeping them afloat.

Will a feather sink in water?

No, a feather will typically float on the surface of water due to its low density.

Why pelicans able to float in water?

bco'z they have lots of feather

How do you show that air exist to someone who does not believe in it?

drop a feather... it will float down

What is a good sentence uning the word float?

Our class created a float for the homecoming parade.He watched a single feather float through the air.The beach ball will float if you throw it into the pool.Did you order a hot fudge sundae or a root beer float?

What object is light enough to float in some syrup but not in water?

A feather is light enough to float in syrup but not in water due to differences in their densities and viscosities. The thicker consistency of the syrup provides more buoyant force to support the feather compared to water.

What does whaft mean in a definition?

Waft means to travel or float gently, like a feather in the air

What is small as a bug as fast as a bullet and as light as a feather?

Um... air?

What do cork,feather,leaf,apple have in common?

they all can float on water and they all have a purpose in life.