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All gods and goddess of Greece could move/run from one place to another as swift as thought.

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"as swift as thought."

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Q: Did the god Hermes run fast?
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Where does the greek god Hermes story begin?

Hermes was born on mount Cyllene. He is the son of Zeus and Maia. Hermes became the massager for the gods and goddess, Zeus gave him very special boots that can make him run at a really fast pace.

Hermes is the god of?

Hermes is the messenger god

Why is mercury named after the greek god Hermes?

Mercury was named after the Roman messenger god, Mercury, who was equivalent to the Greek god Hermes. The planet appeared to move quickly across the sky, similar to the fast-moving messenger god in mythology, hence the association.

Who is the greek god Hermes?

the greek god hermes the god of messages

What roman god is associated with speed and mischief?

That would be Mercury, known to the Greeks as Hermes.

Was mercury the greek god who ran very fast?

mercury is the same as hermes and is the fastest god and the messanger with winged shoes and hat.

Was Hermes a god or a goddess?

Hermes is a God. He is the Greek God of transitions and boundaries.

What form of god was Hermes?

Hermes was the god of thieves and travelers.

How did Hermes became a god?

Hermes was born a god. Hermes was born from the Olympian god Zeus and the Titan goddess Maia.

Was Hermes god a boy or girl?

Hermes was a male god. He was the messenger of Zeus.

What God runs really fast?

Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods, is quick for obvious reasons. Nike, also, the goddess of victory would be fast.

How is Hermes famous?

Hermes is famous becouse he is a greek god. Hermes is the messanger god. (He delivers messages)