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Q: How far is Washington DC from Anchorage Alaska?
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How many miles apart is Anchorage Alaska from Washington DC?

3,369 miles

How far is it anchorage to Washington DC?

4,272 miles (6875.118 km) by car. and 3,369.41 miles (5422.54 km) as the crow flies from Anchorage international airport to the airport in baltimore (closest to Washington DC)

What is the Flight time from Washington DC to Anchorage Alaska?

The average flight time is 2 hours, 53 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.

Distance between Alaska and Washington D.C.?

The distance in a straight line (as the crow flies) between Alaska (Anchorage) and Washington, D.C. is approximately 3,400 miles (5,472 km). A cheap flight in an airplane is approximately 7 hours, weather and flight path permitting.

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It is 630 miles from Atlanta to Washington DC.

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How many miles is it from Washington DC to Juneau Alaska?

The flight distance from Washington, District of Columbia to Juneau, Alaska is:2,840 miles / 4,570 km

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How far is it from Washington D.C. to Alaska?

To drive from Washington DC to Juneau, Alaska one would drive about 3,755 miles. This would take about 67 1/2 hours. It would also require entering Canada. The drive to Fairbanks, Alaska would drive about 4,166 miles.

How far is Washington dc to the nearest ocean?

Washington state: the Pacific. Washington DC: The Atlantic. Washington Tyne & Wear: the North Sea.

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Not very far at all...

If 2 PM in Washington DC what time is it in Alaska?

Should be 8-9 A.M